You choose the day, time, and location and we bring the creativity and love of dance to your child and four or more of their friends! Complete this form to start creating your pod.
BOLD Pop dance class filled with fun and creativity
One day a week for 45 minutes
A local park, common room, a dance studio rental, or online.
Use your imagination!
Your child(ren) and 4 or more of their friends.
Minimum of 4 to run
Outdoor Pods can not be refunded for any reason.
If the weather changes, the pod will move to virtual.
Are Pods a thing of the past? If you walked through Central Park, or Riverside Park in 2020, 2021, or 2022, you probably saw groups of kids dancing. You likely heard fun, positive music. You might’ve noticed kids bundled up, or on rainy days, dancing anyway. You would have noticed family members gathered around watching spontaneous performances, filming and smiling. There was a lot of uncertainty around us, but BOLD remained committed to the joy and wellbeing of as many children as we could dance with each week. Some days of the week, we had 6 or 8 pods happening, with kids as young as 3, and teenagers too moving, dancing, getting vitamin D and fresh air, and connecting. As a teaching artist, I loved how pods often fed into playdates. When friends gathered to dance at 4pm, I was happy to see pizzas arriving for them to enjoy dinner together in the park. We were happy to be able to shift and bring pods into people’s homes as well, when requested or needed. In summers, pods became mini camps, and friends gathered for 3 hours a day to dance, craft, and create an original show in one week. Are pods a thing of the past? As I reflect on the past few years, pods and mini camps are some of my favorite memories. Kids can dance with their closest friends, giving them a chance to connect every week, in a fun, active, and collaborative way. Families can be together in an informal and positive setting. We can be outdoors, benefiting from nature- sunshine, and the lessons learned from dancing when it rains for a few minutes, and pivoting quickly when it pours. We have access to indoor space options now as well- The JCC, Ripley Grier, your apartment- your group’s choice. You and your friends decide on the schedule that works best for you, therefore, no need for makeup classes- we create this with you. What you need to create a pod or a mini camp with BOLD Arts Your child and 4 or more friends who are committed to the session and excited to dance A day of the week (pod) that works for most of the season or a week (mini camp). A location that works best for you. If outdoors, an indoor backup plan (we can help with that part!). We’ll work with you to create a schedule of classes, for either Spring or Summer 2023! What’s Next? Pod Form Mini camp form We can’t wait to dance together soon! With joy, Jenn and the BOLD Arts Team